
Q : How do I clean the corroded battery compartment of my furby?

A: Here is how to clean battery Corrosion

What you will need

1. Old toothbrush that you don't plan on reusing for your teeth.

2. Cup

3. Vinegar

4. Batteries

Step 1.

Remove the old batteries if they are still inside.

Step 2.

Dip the Toothbrush into the cup of vinegar.

Step 3.

Scrub the battery contacts with the toothbrush scub for at least 1 minute (if you hear sizzling that is the vinegar neutralizing the battery acid.)

Step 4.

Wipe the terminals and compartment with a cloth or paper towel.

Step 5.

Put new batteries in to test the furby.

Step 6.

Wash your hands. You should wash your hands because the battery acid can burn you.

Furbys owned by Hasbro.